Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow day!

Ah, there is nothing better when you are a child than a snow day.  Getting to stay home, play, watch TV, etc. when you're really supposed to be at home working--it's terrific (not too bad when you're an adult either!)

R man woke me up at 8:15 and said, "What's wrong?" I told him he didn't have to go to school and he pumped his fists and said, "Awesome!" I made pancakes for brunch while the kids hauled out all of their toys.

They have spent the day playing with toys and the Wii and watching TV.  And yes, it's almost 3:00 and they are both still in their pj's! 

I have done laundry, made a chocolate cake and hung out with the kids.
And before you start feeling sorry for Hubby, he's had a ball driving around town in his Jeep!  He spent over an hour "running errands". 

Sometimes beauty is in the most unlikely places.  I passed my front door and saw the most gorgeous pattern all over it!  It looked like an artisan had spent hours brushing this pattern on my door.  However, it was the handiwork of the greatest Artist of all.  Amazing to me how people can questions God's existence or attribute all the wonders around us to chance.  He's there, every day in the beauty of nature if we will just take the time to stop and see.

  Have a great time enjoying the snow everyone!

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