Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Ah, Super Bowl Sunday.  One of my favorite days of the year.  A good football game (usually), clever commercials, and lots of great friends to share it all with.  Our Sunday School class decided to have a party so we could hang out and watch the game together.

First off, we have to talk about all the great food. We had so much food there, I didn't even get to try everything! It was all yummy and I was stuffed. 

Strawberry-banana smores

Ham and cheese sliders
 Little smokies
Some of us were really into the game.  Hubby and I were rooting for Green Bay.  I was also glad it was a good game.  The game is so hyped that it's a big disappointment if it's not  a close game.  I like the Steelers as well and wouldn't have been too upset if they had won (unlike last year--I'm not really a big Saints fan).

We all enjoyed the halftime show (well, some of us enjoyed it, some of us enjoyed making fun of it.) Some of us had been making the "what is she doing?" face at Fergie but changed before I snapped the photo.

We also haven't talked about the commercials yet.  The Darth Vader Volkswagen ad was probably my favorite.  Hard to argue against something that cute!  The Doritos "urn" and Doritos pug commercials were close seconds.  All good ads. 

The kids all had a ball playing together.  This guy was really hamming it up for the camera.


The best thing about this party though were the friends. The people in our Sunday School class have become some of my closest friends. I love hanging out with them and spending time with them. When we started the class four years ago (wow, has it really been that long?) I never really thought about forming all these new friendships. That has been the best thing about the class though--not necessarily what we do on Sundays (although that's terrific) but the relationships we have outside of the church. I love all of you guys!

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